Dad Power

I’d heard of ‘Dad Power’ before starting a family, but I didn’t really grasp what it meant.

Friends who had passed through their rite of passage to fatherhood described it like a literal power. An inner power that had activated.

It sounded cool, but also far fetched.

In due time though, my initiation came through.

I became a father.

Lo and behold, the stories were true. Dad Power is a thing.

I find myself now as a 34 year old man (soon to be 35) exploring and embracing this power. And if I could sum it up - the gift and the gold - I’d say it’s a desire to hold and embrace responsibility.

Imagine that. Me. Enjoying responsibility!

Inviting it in with open arms!

It still feels new, but I gotta’ say I grow to like it more and more.

And as I pick up more responsibility, the super powers of being a Dad continue to increase and expand.

On that note and to keep it short and sweet, let me just say cheers to all that Dad’s out there.

May your powers serve you and yours to thrive inside the duties, responsibilities and blessings of fatherhood


Your Values are Your Foundation


What Do You Want?